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The Southern Caucasus is a critical component of the “Middle Corridor of the New Silk Road” trade route that connects China to Europe. The United States has recognized the strategic and economic import of this corridor and has played a critical role in its development through joint initiatives that increase regional connectivity. CLDP’s regional programs in the Southern Caucasus facilitate joint initiatives and common programs to expand cooperation in three areas: enforcement and protection of intellectual property rights, promotion of alternative dispute resolution, and harmonization of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards with international best practices. These programs help open new markets for U.S. and Western investment by strengthening regulatory frameworks, enhancing the rule of law, and expanding protection for intellectual property.

In addition to these regional programs, CLDP conducts bilateral programs in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.


CLDP programs in Armenia are aimed primarily at reducing the uncertainties associated with doing business by building transparency in the public and private sectors and enhancing the capacity and competencies of critical public institutions.  CLDP’s institutional capacity building programs focus on promoting competition and ensuring fair and transparent public procurement. CLDP also helps to create an environment for growth of private enterprises including franchises.


CLDP’s programs in Azerbaijan focus on key reforms to promote diversification of the country’s economy. Areas of focus include but are not limited to judicial capacity building, strengthening the ability to protect and enforce intellectual property rights, and assistance with Azerbaijan’s continued process towards acceding to the WTO.  Moreover, CLDP focuses on regional integration and harmonization of Azerbaijan through technical assistance on commercial arbitration, legislative reforms, and implementation and enforcement of Azerbaijan’s anti-corruption strategy through rule of law development.


CLDP supports Georgia’s continued transition to a free market economy through programs that promote sustained economic growth. CLDP programs improve the capacity for commercial dispute resolution by training Georgian judges to effectively manage and resolve complex commercial cases. CLDP also trains legal professionals to handle commercial disputes through litigation or alternative dispute resolution. CLDP assists critical public sector institutions implement effective policies and initiate legal reforms. Through this institutional support, CLDP enhances the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, strengthens and simplifies customs procedures, promotes competition, and helps to align public procurement processes with international best practices.


CLDP facilitates meetings of expert level working groups comprised of relevant interested stakeholders from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Aligning with the goals of the U.S.-Central Asia Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, the C5+1 Platform, and other U.S. government initiatives, the working groups seek to promote regional approaches to economic reforms, regional and international economic integration, and increased trade. These regional working groups cover key trade issues, namely on Customs, Sanitary/Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and Digital Trade.

The Customs, SPS, and IPR Working Groups gather expert level government officials, and the Digital Trade Working Group consists of the private sector, civil society, and government representatives.

Each of these working groups support implementation of international trade-related best practices, including, where applicable, WTO requirements, promotes fair and less-restrictive trade policies and practices, and seek to increase market access for U.S. and local businesses in the region.

In addition to the regional working groups, CLDP conducts bilateral programs in the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

The Kyrgyz Republic

CLDP’s work in the Kyrgyz Republic includes strengthening the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights and supports the alignment of  country’s public procurement system  with international best practices. These programs help to enable the business environment in the Kyrgyz Republic and to reduce opportunities for corruption. The protection of intellectual property rights plays an important role in inducing technological change and facilitating economic growth, and transparent and accountable public procurement systems have the power to catalyze private sector development by opening access to business opportunities, improving the business and investment environment, enhancing competition, and promoting economic growth.


Among CLDP’s work in Tajikistan, programs include assistance to the government of Tajikistan to reform its public procurement practices and to strengthen Tajikistan’s capacity to protect and enforce intellectual property rights. Robust implementation of international treaties, such as the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), can help developing countries address transparency, competition, and corruption in public procurement. The protection of intellectual property rights plays a similarly important role in economic development, including by inducing technological change and facilitating economic growth.


CLDP’s work in Uzbekistan is focused on supporting Uzbekistan’s recent rapid transformation into an open and transparent economy with strong ties to the region and the global trading system. This focus includes technical support for Uzbekistan’s plans to develop its capital markets and programs that support Uzbekistan's desire to rapidly accede to the WTO. As is evident throughout the world, properly established capital markets, backed by robust enforcement mechanisms, have the potential to unleash previously unseen levels of private sector participation in Uzbekistan’s economic growth. Similarly, intellectual property rights protection helps create an incentive structure encourages research and development, which in turn leads to increased innovation. Increased innovation generates greater rates of economic growth. Thus, CLDP’s work in both areas aims to enable greater economic diversification and build a more attractive investment climate, which will help Uzbekistan maintain its vigorous pace of reforms.

Countries and Regions