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Nepal: Bar Association Negotiations Workshop


From October 18-19, CLDP conducted a workshop on contract negotiations with members of the Nepal Bar Association (NBA). The workshop built on previous programming with NBA that has focused on various topics related to alternative dispute resolution for infrastructure contracts. The negotiations...

Bangladesh: Municipal Revenues and Governance Workshop


On September 25-26, CLDP, in collaboration with Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC), conducted a workshop on Municipal Revenue and Public Space Management for DNCC officials. CLDP experts covered topics such as sources of city revenue, regulatory frameworks for collecting revenue, role of central...

Microrredes corto animado

La incorporación de recursos renovables a las infraestructuras energéticas nacionales se ha convertido en algo esencial para apoyar la producción económica, ya que los consumidores e inversores insisten en sistemas energéticos sostenibles y el cambio climático exige cada vez más infraestructuras resistentes. Las microrredes son redes energéticas autónomas que se alimentan de energía solar, eólica...

Microgrids Animated Short

Incorporating renewable resources into national energy infrastructures has become essential in supporting economic output as consumers and investors insist on sustainable energy systems and climate change increasingly demands resilient infrastructure. Microgrids are autonomous energy grids that draw from solar, wind, and hydropower, and can connect to the larger traditional grid, allowing them to...